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Greetings Satya Family, Hollie here.

Mary, Karlie, and I hope you are all doing as well as possible during these times. At times, I feel hopeful; while in the next moment, I'm overcome with helplessness. What I return to over and over again is doing the next best thing with what I have, with what's in front of me, and directly within my power. This is when a true sense of balance returns, if only for a moment. In these moments of balance, I can trust the thoughts that arise as true. 

When I can welcome the grief, bring it close, and sense it transmute to gratitude, it opens me to the present moment. At this moment, it welcomes awareness of dark clouds, raindrops hanging on cacti, and my 13-year-old sharing a chocolate croissant and workspace with me. In this moment, there is so much to be thankful for. 

When I extend my awareness to our yoga community at Satya, visions of support and genuine caring overcome me. Deep roots are forming in our space as we gather, move through experiences, grieve, and celebrate. It is beautiful to witness. 

When I allow my awareness to extend out past the boundaries of the studio walls, of Austin, and beyond, I know there is so much suffering, and I pray continuously for a feeling of peace to be felt by all souls. This expansion can feel huge and insurmountable, and this is when I draw back to center. 

I know in my heart our small, everyday actions matter and do ripple out; I have to believe this. Below we have a number of ways to come together to renew yourself, support the community, and send support out into the world. We hope you can join us. 

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